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Create Azure Function App

Azure Resource Creation

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of getting your Azure Function App up and running in Microsoft Azure. You will need to do this even if you plan on just running your code locally on your development machine for now. This is because Azure Function Apps are highly dependent on storage accounts even when being run on your localhost.

Make sure you have created your Azure Free Account prior to this step.

Step 1: Login Using the Azure CLI

Before we can get started, you need to authenticate with Azure using the Azure CLI tool:

az login

Step 2: Create a Resource Group

All your function app resources need to be placed inside a resource group. To create a resource group using the Azure CLI tool, run the following command:

az group create --name funcRunnerResourceGroup --location "eastus"
  • --name specifies the globally unique name of the resource group to be created.
  • --location specifies the Azure region you wish to deploy to.

Create Function App Resources

You have been provided a Bicep template to easily deploy all the required resources to get Func Runner working in Azure. If you don’t know what Bicep is that is ok. In short, it is an Azure specific infrastructure-as-code tool similar to Terraform or Cloudformation. Run the following command:

az deployment group create \
--resource-group funcRunnerResourceGroup \
--template-file template.bicep \
--parameters openAiApiKey="<your openai api key>" functionAppName="myFuncRunnerApp"
  • --resource-group specifies the resource group created in the previous step.
  • --template-file specifies the Bicep template file.
  • --parameters passes the required parameters, including your OpenAI API key and the globally unique Azure Function App name.

By following these steps, you’ll have all the necessary Azure resources set up for running Func Runner.

Next Recommended Reading

Next, we can learn how to add another function for our OpenAI Assistant to call. Read the Create Your First Function guide.