ChatGPT + Your Code =

Speed up the development and launch of your AI-powered + with Func Runner’s unified platform, which simplifies integration and deployment so you can focus on innovation.

Self Hosted A one time payment of $49. Free updates for life!

Worry About Building Your Application.
Save Yourself 40+ Hours of Research and Development.

I've invested over 40 hours developing a solution that makes integrating function-calling into new and existing applications effortless. Now, you can focus on building your next app without worrying about the complexities of function calling!

What Does Your $49 Get You?

A lot of saved time -- that's what.

Project Templates

Implementing OpenAI Assistant function calling can be complex and time-consuming. It's essential work, but it shouldn't distract you from building your core application.

I will worry about that so you don't have to.

I’ve built a ready-to-deploy proxy service for OpenAI. The best part? You can continue using all the official OpenAI development SDKs without any hassle. Simply replace the OpenAI base URL and you are good-to-go!

Azure Hosted
Serverless Applications

Function calling is a powerful feature, but it shouldn’t reside in the same backend as your API due to performance and security concerns.

I came up with a solution for that too.

Azure Durable Functions handle your function-calling requests in an infinitely scalable, cost-effective serverless environment. This means your OpenAI Assistant can handle multiple function invocations and automatically report the results back to OpenAI seamlessly.

React Powered
Chat Interface

OpenAI dropped the ball when it comes to ease of use and ease of integration of function-calling. They left it up to you to figure out how to actually use the damn thing.

Don't worry -- I saved you some time and created the missing pieces myself.

Now you can chat with your OpenAI Assistant in a way that is similar to the existing ChatGPT experience. Don't need chat? Then use it as a starting point for building a more custom frontend that better suits your needs.

Bicep Powered
Infrastructure as Code

Managing infrastructure manually can be tedious and error-prone. With the power of Bicep, I have automated the entire process, enabling you to define, deploy, and manage your infrastructure as code.

You don't have to start from scratch. But nothing is stopping you either.

Focus on building your application while I take care of building Bicep templates to automate your deployments. With Bicep, your deployments are repeatable, predictable, and stress-free.

One Time Payment
Lifetime Access

When you buy the self-hosted version of Func Runner you are only required to make a one time payment of $49. With that you will get access to the source code for life.

Guess what? I am going to keep adding features to this project so you will get these updates absolutely free.

Beware! As features are added I am going to increase the price so buy it now while it the price is still low at $49. Two to four months from now it could be $69, $79, $94 or more! So get access now while the price is still low!

What Is to Come?
Future Features

  • Python + Node.js Serverless-less Templates
  • AWS Lambda Support
  • .NET Templates
  • Webhook Support
  • Scheduled Assistant Prompting
  • Developer Tooling
  • Function Marketplace
  • ... and more! Let me know!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately no, once you have been given access to the product I cannot give you a refund. If you are unhappy with the product I encourage you to recommend changes and it will be seriously considered. I want to make you happy but it has to be fair for both of us.

Will I have free access to new features when they are released?

Yes, absolutely! You are buying more than just a snapshot of a code repository. You are buying lifetime access to a growing and evolving codebase.

How can I get support?

For now the only reliable way will be to submit issues on Github. That way your requests are easily trackable. In the future, I hope to support some sort of informal community board on Discord or something similar.

Do you plan to support AWS?

Yes, and I can't wait to do so. I don't have a timeline yet but it is towards the top of my priorities list.

Are there hidden costs?

Not from me no. You pay once and that is it. The buyer of self-hosted Func Runner is responsible for paying for their own OpenAI charges and related cloud provider charges.

When will you raise prices?

I am not sure right now, it really depends on demand. I am going to keep the price at $49 for now but if several months down the road there is new features and a growing customer base then I will need to increase prices to provide support for the project.

Is there a referral program?

Right now no but I plan on implementing a program that allows creators to earn money on each referral that ultimately leads to a sale. I am thinking in the ballpark of 30-40% of the sale price. I know the value of word-of-mouth and I am willing to support those who support me.

Do you plan on supporting any other languages?

Currently the backend API and Azure Function App is written in Python. I understand not everyone wants Python but that is what I currently have. In the product roadmap I plan on adding a JavaScript version of the backend API and Azure Function App as well. Any language after that will likely be based on whatever is in demand.